"Acting has to do with saying it as if you meant it, so for me the words are always very important. It's very important for me to know my lines, know them so well that I don't have to think about them." -
Christopher Walken
A few weeks back, I did the Game of Life kata in Ruby. After the first two times, I got bored of implementing eql? and hash methods for the Location class I ended up with. So, the third time, I tried to make it more interesting by doing the exercise in a 'TDD as if you meant it' style. I'd been very intrigued by the idea ever since I read about it, but hadn't really tried it myself. Here's a quick recap of the rules:
- write exactly ONE failing test
- make the test from (1) pass by first writing implementation code IN THE TEST
- create a new implementation method/function by:
- doing extract method on implementation code created as per (2), or
- moving implementation code as per (2) into an existing implementation method
- only ever create new methods IN THE TEST CLASS
- only ever create implementation classes to provide a destination for extracting a method created as per (4).
- populate implementation classes by doing move method from a test class into them
- refactor as required
- go to (1)
The first five commits are quite unremarkable, except that, in accordance with rules 1-4 above, all the implementation code is in the rspec "test class".
describe "In the next gen, a grid with" do
[[], [[0,0]], [[0,0], [0,1]]].each do |cells|
context "#{cells.size} live cells" do
it "should have no live cells" do
g = cells
ng = next_gen(g)
ng.should == []
def next_gen(grid)
At this stage, I have tests for grids with 0, 1 and 2 cells, all of which become empty (of any live cells) in the next generation. The next step, where I write a test for 3 live cells in a diagonal, is where it starts to become interesting.
I need to keep it
The test for "neighbors of origin" looks quite silly, but I don't know how else to write it "as if I meant it".
I probably already have something in mind about how my next test will look. But first, I extract neighbors_of(location) and the test doesn't look that silly anymore, while laying the ground for the next test, which is to find the neighbors of location [1,2].
The one thing I don't like about the two neighbors_of tests now, is that the tests don't read
With the ability to find
Extracting the
I now have an instance variable, indicating the need for an object that can hold it. In preparation for a move method, I convert grid from an instance variable to a method parameter (aside: I think the variable grid should've been called live_locations in the first place).
Creation of the Grid class with the next_gen method next isn't quite an atomic refactoring, but I think it's simple enough that I can spare myself the tedium of writing each individual step.
That's followed by another test (and, of course, implementation and refactoring) for live cells with 3 live neighbors. That takes care of all the rules relating to live cells. Handling the dead cells is easily done. I'm pleasantly surprised that I can still make the test pass by writing the implementation code in the test method first.
After moving the flat_map into next_gen and a little bit of refactoring, we're done implementing all the rules of the game (of life) following the rules of the game (of TAIYMI). With tests to keep me in check, I can now go wild with refactoring. And I do, and come up with the following:
Note that in the next_gen method, I don't really need to pass around live_cells as a method parameter, since it's there in the instance state for any method to grab. But I choose to pass it, simply because
is a much more explicit and complete formulation of the solution than, say
The latter is terser, but the former, even with its superfluousness, is more succinct.
Note that I've now replaced all uses of 'location' with 'cell', because the distinction I had to maintain in my earlier OO solution between them (a cell has a location and is either alive or dead, while a location is simply the coordinate of a cell) is no longer necessary to maintain. Usage of 'cell' enables the framing of the entire solution in terms of terms coming straight from the domain language.
Just for good measure, I throw in another pair of tests for live and dead cells with 4 live neighbors, respectively. But now, I don't like how the spec declaration for those two tests read. Here's the rspec output documentation for the grid:
In conclusion, though, a comparison of my earlier solution - with its classes for Cell, Location and Grid - to this one seems to support the observation that classes developed like this tend to have very little or no state, coming much closer to the functional programming paradigm.
context "3 live cells in a diagonal" do
it "should have only the middle cell alive" do
g = [[0,0],
ng = next_gen(g)
pending "calculation of neighbors"
ng.should == [[1,1]]
I need to keep it
pending "calculation of neighbors"
. Traditionally, at this point, I think I might've stubbed a call to calculate neighbors of a Cell/Location to make this test pass, and later gone on to test-drive the calculation of neighbors. But the "rules of the game" prohibit me from doing so. So, I'll calculate neighbors first.The test for "neighbors of origin" looks quite silly, but I don't know how else to write it "as if I meant it".
describe "a location's neighbors" do
it "should be all locations offset by a single row and/or column" do
location = [0,0]
neighbors = [[-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,1],
[ 1,-1], [ 1,0], [ 1,1]]
neighbors.should =~ [[-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,1],
[ 1,-1], [ 1,0], [ 1,1]]
I probably already have something in mind about how my next test will look. But first, I extract neighbors_of(location) and the test doesn't look that silly anymore, while laying the ground for the next test, which is to find the neighbors of location [1,2].
describe "neighbors of location" do
it "[0,0] should be [-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [ 0,-1], [ 0,1], [ 1,-1], [ 1,0], [ 1,1] in any order" do
location = [0,0]
neighbors_of(location).should =~ [[-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,1],
[ 1,-1], [ 1,0], [ 1,1]]
it "[1,2] should be [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [1,1], [1,3], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3] in any order" do
location = [1,2]
neighbors = neighbors_of(location).map { |loc| [loc[0] + location[0], loc[1] + location[1]] }
neighbors.should =~ [[0,1], [0,2], [0,3],
[1,1], [1,3],
[2,1], [2,2], [2,3]]
def neighbors_of(location)
[[-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,1],
[ 1,-1], [ 1,0], [ 1,1]]
The one thing I don't like about the two neighbors_of tests now, is that the tests don't read
it "should ..."
anymore. And worse, the "it" declarations duplicate the programmatic assertions. That's one thing I dislike often about rspec tests which include expected data (rather than a statement about the expected state) in the it declaration. In cases like this, I don't know how to avoid that (and I'd love to hear suggestions).With the ability to find
, I can now go and finish that pending test for 3 live cells. I make it pass by writing code in the test method first, and then extracting it into a method, so that I end up with next_gen(grid)
context "3 live cells in a diagonal" do
it "should have only the middle cell alive" do
g = [[0,0],
ng = next_gen(g)
ng.should == [[1,1]]
def next_gen(grid)
grid.select { |location| neighbors_of(location).select { |neighbor| grid.include?(neighbor) }.count == 2 }
Extracting the
method next pushes me for the first time towards rules 5 and 6 (to create implementation classes as destination for moving a method).
def next_gen(grid)
@grid = grid
@grid.select { |location| live_neighbors_of(location).count == 2 }
def live_neighbors_of(location)
neighbors_of(location).select { |neighbor| alive?(neighbor) }
def alive?(location)
I now have an instance variable, indicating the need for an object that can hold it. In preparation for a move method, I convert grid from an instance variable to a method parameter (aside: I think the variable grid should've been called live_locations in the first place).
def next_gen(grid)
grid.select { |location| live_neighbors_of(location, grid).count == 2 }
def live_neighbors_of(location, grid)
neighbors_of(location).select { |neighbor| alive?(neighbor, grid) }
def alive?(location, grid)
Creation of the Grid class with the next_gen method next isn't quite an atomic refactoring, but I think it's simple enough that I can spare myself the tedium of writing each individual step.
class Grid
attr_reader :live_locations
def initialize(live_locations)
@live_locations = live_locations
def next_gen
live_locations.select { |location| live_neighbors_of(location).count == 2 }
def live_neighbors_of(location)
neighbors_of(location).select { |neighbor| alive?(neighbor) }
def alive?(location)
That's followed by another test (and, of course, implementation and refactoring) for live cells with 3 live neighbors. That takes care of all the rules relating to live cells. Handling the dead cells is easily done. I'm pleasantly surprised that I can still make the test pass by writing the implementation code in the test method first.
context "3 live cells in a row" do
it "should have instead 3 live cells in a column, with the middle cell unchanged" do
g = [[0,0], [0,1], [0,2]]
grid = Grid.new(g)
ng = grid.next_gen + g.flat_map { |location| neighbors_of(location) }.select { |location| grid.live_neighbors_of(location).count == 3 }.uniq
ng.should =~ [[-1,1], [0,1], [1,1]]
After moving the flat_map into next_gen and a little bit of refactoring, we're done implementing all the rules of the game (of life) following the rules of the game (of TAIYMI). With tests to keep me in check, I can now go wild with refactoring. And I do, and come up with the following:
class Grid
attr_reader :live_cells
def initialize(live_cells)
@live_cells = live_cells.uniq
def next_gen
surviving(live_cells) + vivifying(dead(neighbors_of_all(live_cells)))
def neighbors_of_all(cells)
cells.flat_map { |cell| neighbors_of(cell) }.uniq
def vivifying(cells)
cells.select { |cell| vivifying?(cell) }
def vivifying?(cell)
live(neighbors_of(cell)).count == 3
def dead(cells)
cells.reject { |cell| alive?(cell) }
def surviving(cells)
cells.select { |cell| surviving?(cell) }
def surviving?(cell)
[2, 3].include?(live(neighbors_of(cell)).count)
def live(cells)
cells.select { |cell| alive?(cell) }
def alive?(cell)
Note that in the next_gen method, I don't really need to pass around live_cells as a method parameter, since it's there in the instance state for any method to grab. But I choose to pass it, simply because
surviving(live_cells) + vivifying(dead(neighbors_of_all(live_cells)))
is a much more explicit and complete formulation of the solution than, say
surviving + vivifying(dead(neighbors_of_all))
The latter is terser, but the former, even with its superfluousness, is more succinct.
Note that I've now replaced all uses of 'location' with 'cell', because the distinction I had to maintain in my earlier OO solution between them (a cell has a location and is either alive or dead, while a location is simply the coordinate of a cell) is no longer necessary to maintain. Usage of 'cell' enables the framing of the entire solution in terms of terms coming straight from the domain language.
Just for good measure, I throw in another pair of tests for live and dead cells with 4 live neighbors, respectively. But now, I don't like how the spec declaration for those two tests read. Here's the rspec output documentation for the grid:
In the next gen, a grid with 0 live cells should have no live cells 1 live cells should have no live cells 2 live cells should have no live cells 3 live cells in a diagonal should have only the middle cell alive 4 live cells in a square block should remain unchanged 3 live cells in a row should have instead 3 live cells in a column, with the middle cell unchanged 5 live cells forming a + should have instead 8 live cells forming a hollow square 8 live cells forming a hollow square should have instead 8 live cells forming a diamondThose last two tests don't quite serve as documentation, I'm afraid, because they make neither the initial nor the expected state obvious. While that's true to some extent even for the other tests, I don't terribly mind the slight mental computation they require. Also, the special way in which I've been laying out the arrays to visually represent the grid has the potential to be misleading, in that the coordinate values don't have to match up with their visual placement. But (hint, hint), suggestions for improvement anywhere in my solution, approach, or process are highly welcome.
In conclusion, though, a comparison of my earlier solution - with its classes for Cell, Location and Grid - to this one seems to support the observation that classes developed like this tend to have very little or no state, coming much closer to the functional programming paradigm.
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